Information security at U of T

The University’s Information Security program focuses on protecting people, data and U of T’s digital assets against information security risks. Managing these risks is a shared responsibility between the chief information security officer and academic and administrative unit heads. All members of the University community play a critical role in advancing this mission.

The Information Security Council (ISC), with representation from faculty, librarians, staff and students, ensures broad consultation in planning and decision-making processes for information security.

Overview of security at U of T

Diagram illustrating security at U of T
Elements of the security program includes: govern risk management; identify outcomes and risks; protect against security threats; detect security issues as quickly as possible; respond timely to limit impact; and recover and get back to teaching and research.

The program protects against security risks and threats. What matters most are our people, data, systems and networks.

Our strategy goals include: enable the mission of the University; uphold privacy, openness and free inquiry; and deliver a word-class, exemplary information security program.

Our strategic objectives include: secure University digital transformation; trustworthy teaching, learning and research; excellence through collaboration; and resiliency through effective risk management.

Meet the team

Information Security team attending a social event.
Information Security team socializing with a round of arcade games.
A group picture of the Information Security team
Information Security team socializing with a round of air hockey.

The tri-campus Information Security team is a distributed, collaborative team comprised of experts across many disciplines who work together to provide a safe and secure digital environment for the U of T community.

Our vision and mission

Vision statement

Secure Together


Enable world-class teaching, learning and research through information security leadership and services that empower people, adapt to risk and respond to the diverse needs of the University community.


U of T’s Information Security strategy provides a shared direction and approach for the evolution of information security and privacy at the University. The strategy is meant to empower and enable units, including divisions, departments and researchers, to identify and drive their discipline-specific priorities within the context of the strategy.

Institutional partnerships

The Information Security team aligns with and supports various University partners:



IT@UofT encompasses the University’s ITS division and IT professionals across the tri-campus. Guided by the IT@UofT strategic plan, it supports U of T’s academic mission through information technology services.

University of Toronto, Data & Analytics

Institutional Research & Data Governance

U of T’s Institutional Data Strategy, led by Institutional Research & Data Governance, outlines the University’s data and analytics priorities to enhance institutional performance and outcomes.

University of Toronto, Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy

FIPP Office

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FIPP) Office protects the personal privacy of students, faculty and staff, and processes access requests to University records in support of transparency and accountability.

Fraud awareness and prevention

Community Safety Office

The Community Safety Office provides fraud prevention education for the University and supports students, staff and faculty who have experienced fraud or scams. They also offer assistance for personal safety concerns.