Published: August 26, 2024
This job offer scam is a form of phishing used to take advantage of students and new graduates who are seeking employment.
If an email states extremely high compensation for a position that requires no skills or experience, few hours of work, and seems too good to be true, then it is likely a scam. One way to validate the legitimacy of a job posting is to check for the posting on the company’s official website or job boards.

Email details
Dear candidate,
I am emαiling you cοncerning a neω emplοyment οffer thrοugh the University’s recruiting depαrtment. οffering a pαrt time pοsition thαt will οnly require 1-2hrs 3 dαys a ωeek, no wοrk experience οr skill is required. Yοu can mαke $⋅650⋅00USD weekly withοut affecting yοur regulαr αctivities and αcαdemics
To Αpply, kindly fοllow the link.
*Malicious link*
*Fake email signature posing as a U of T staff member*
*Malicious link*
UofT Emplοyee Self-Service
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Phishing cues
Report phishing
If you have received a suspicious email like this one, please report it to and delete it immediately from your mailbox. Don’t click any links, download attachments, engage with the sender or share the email with your contacts. If you engaged with the sender, please contact immediately.